Back for the hoidays! Milk chocolate enrobes peanut butter and crispy oat bites for an irresistible chocolate truffle bar experience. LImited Edition! 2.5oz
Your purchase supports Girls Inc. Seattle Chocolate donates 10% of net profits to Girls Inc., inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold.
Cacao: 32%
Milk chocolate (cane sugar, milk, cocoa butter*, chocolate liquor*, soya lecithin, natural vanilla), peanut butter (peanuts, salt), organic crisp rice (brown rice flour, cane sugar, sea salt, molasses), sea salt. Contains milk, soya, and peanuts. This product is manufactured in a plant that processes milk, soya, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, and wheat products.
Kosher Dairy
Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTM